Spray Your Plants With Milk?
I know it seems strange, but read on... If you've ever seen a plant with its leaves dusted with a talcum-powder-like substance, you've...

Pruning Hanging Baskets
Gorgeous hanging baskets bring color and life up off the ground and right into view! Use these pruning techniques to keep your baskets...

Easy Care Tips for Containers and Hanging Baskets
Watering Containers and hanging baskets will dry out more quickly than your garden beds. The pot’s exposure to drying winds, the sun, and...

How to care for Caladiums
Caladiums are native to the warm tropical rainforests of Central and South America. Some varieties can grow up to 35 inches tall and the...

Guide to Garden Planning: Transforming Your Outdoor Space
Crafting a flourishing vegetable garden requires more than just a green thumb—it demands meticulous planning and thoughtful...

10 Tips to get your garden and yard ready for spring
The tips below will give you a good start to making sure your garden and yard are ready for another season. 1. Pull weeds Be sure to pull...

Beier's Guide to Onions
Before planting, divide the sets into two sizes. Use the largest sets for green table onions and the smaller sets for dry-cooking onions....

Guide to Planting Potatoes
Beier's Greenhouse offers many varieties of potatoes for your home garden. Growing your own potatoes is easy and can provide a bountiful...

Plants That (Supposedly) Repel Mosquitoes
What's up with this long list of plants people claim will repel mosquitoes? A little investigative reporting delves into this question....

Vegetable Gardening Tips
Starting a vegetable garden can seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be! Vegetable gardening is one of the easiest ways to get started...